The Big Takeover

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The Big Takeover - New York, New York - Issue # 63, Fall 2008:

The Fountainheads - What Means So Much (Hornisch Records)


I remember reviewing brothers Chris and Tom Hornisch on their eponymous Fountainheads release. (Brad Harvey did their older Urban Sun for us.) And the bits of Beatles, Oasis, Robyn Hitchcock, and Rutles back then remain -like the crying George Harrison slide guitar on "Warning Signs", or the slightly nasal vocals Oasis offers (without gutteral accent, just boyish charm)- but they seem so understated now! This is classic ringing/jangle guitar '60s pop with modern production, like that place R.E.M. took The Byrds on "Feeling Gravity's Pull" or "Maps and Legends." There're even similar small country-isms, like on "Last Winter." The songwriting scores little hook points as the attention to craft is strong (part of the '60s too many miss!), and the sorrow over lost ladies is palpable. - Jack Rabid, The Big Takeover